SIAMENSIS Algae eater – Crossocheilus siamensis – facts info

SIAMENSIS Algae eater – Crossocheilus siamensis – facts info


Name and family:Crossocheilus_Siamensis_1024x1024

Crossocheilus Siamensis o Crossocheilus oblongus Epalzeorhynchos Siamensis, Eat-seaweed Siamese, Barbeque with Black Strip, Siamese Flying Fox, Siamese Rigate Labeo, SAE: Siamese Algae Eaters. It comes from the Cyprinidae family and comes from Southeast Asia of Thailand, Malaysia to Indonesia where it inhabits mountain running water, especially near rapids and waterfalls.

Feature and behavior:

Crossochelius is a bone fish with a very elongated body, mouth with 2 pairs of beetles. The livery is grey in color, dark on the back and light silver on the belly, large scales, dorsal fins and transparent anal, has a clear black horizontal stripe runs along the sides, from head to caudal fin, which distinguishes it from fake siamesi like la “Garena Taeniata or Thai Flying Fox” that have yellowish-red fins.
Thery are good swimmers and they are also good jumpers: they need a closed aquarium could jump out. They do not need shelter and do not enter caves or caves, although there are algae. Very frantic in eating and searching for algae, especially red ones, effectively cleans the algae that grow on plants, but without damaging them.


Fishes’s coexistence:


Is a very lifefull fish that loves group life, peaceful never bothering anyone, but often loves to make sudden and lightning strikes, this can be unintentionally annoying to shy and quiet people who might be frightened of their behavior.
Its size and character make it advisable to put it in aquariums of at least 200 liters as it may show territoriality in smaller aquariums.
It is a herring fish and it is recommended to put 4/5 specimens, coexists with Rasbora Hetermomorpha, Barbus, Danio, Botia.

Sexual Dimorphism and breeding:

It’s a sheepfish. Reproduction in aquariums is very difficult and almost impossible to notice sexual dimorphism between males and females, although the latter are a bit more robust.

Feeding and maintenance:

It is an omnivorous fish, predominantly feeds on microfauna and seaweed that comes from itself, but it accepts without any problem even the traditional feed in flakes and granules. Vegetable tablets for spirulina base cleaners. Vegetables, such as cucumbers, zucchini, green salad or spinach, slightly balmy or even raw. They also eat mosquito larvae, Daphnia and other insects. It also likes small organisms such as planar so it is useful for disinfection.


5 euros.

Maximus dimension: 15 cm

Swimming level: bottom
Ideal temperature range: 22° – 27 ° celsius.

PH range,  6,5 – 7,5

GH range 5 – 15